Are you a hedge-fund millionaire looking for your next big investment?
Are you a corner-office executive wanting to take your business to the next level?
Are you a working middle class patriot looking for financial independence?
Are you a money-savvy middle schooler looking to negotiate a raise in your allowance?
And everyone in between?
Hello friends, my name is Alan D. Starch, but you may know be better as Doctor Business. After years of success not only in my own career, but in the careers of my friends who have sought after me with advice, people would often come up to me and ask:
“Doctor Business, why don’t you have a web site where aspiring business people and entrepreneurs alike can also see success in following your wisdom?”
And with that, “” was born.
I hope to inspire professionals with the hope that they will, in turn, inspire many others. America is the great land of opportunity where anyone can make it if they work hard enough; no one is bigger proof of this than me.
I will update as often as I can. My work is very demanding and often has me needing to take care of the day-to-day responsibilities that come with having a corner office in one of the greatest up-and-coming cities in the country, Lubbock, TX.
Keep up to date with my Twitter page, read longer articles on this web page, read my financial books when they are available, or catch me at a public speaking event.
Economic success is within reach for us all!