
Planning your Fun-ancial Future


Too many people believe that financial matters is an unobtainable chore. A lofty dream for some and a complex web of math and logistics for others. I assure you it is neither of those things or anything else negative. Finances can be FUN, or rather, FUNances! “Planning your Fun-ancial Future” will show you that not only is success achievable, but also interesting and enjoyable when you know how to use the right tools.

Over the years, I have given out preview excerpts to various colleagues. Here is some early reviews from them:

“[Doctor Business] never fails to enlighten me when his business sense. He has taken a topic that I avoided as dusty and convinced me to what it is: a valuable and fun endeavor.”
-Ted Rufferson, Executive Vice President, Boulander Real Estate

“A must-read for anyone with a dollar to their name.”
-William Manning, Lubbock Star Bank and Trust

“An instant classic. And what a handsome cover!”
-Abigail Starch, my wife!


Posters and Shirts


Motivational posters for every wall of your home and office! Get your hands on one FREE by attending one of my in-person seminars (check for dates and locations). And while you’re there, swing on over to the merch table to pick up a shirt and tell the world that YOU MEAN BUSINESS:
