Takeover Tuesday — 082515

Takeover Tuesday is a weekly motivational program for you, the readers. Every Tuesday, you will be given simple tasks to be completed throughout the course of the week in order to inch closer to meeting your true potential by visualizing your ideal self, shaking hands with them, and then ruthlessly becoming that person.
These tasks are simple in order to cultivate SUCCESS and for you to get used to what success feels like so you can apply it in more places in your everyday life.
Last week we had quite the opportunity to taste victory. How did you do? Personally, I am now closer than ever to being able to blink on command. My colleagues have already noticed a subliminal change in my confidence. Exciting! Tasting that small amount of success motivated me to want more!
This week’s challenges:
1. Learn their name
We all have that one friend or co-worker that we either keep forgetting the name of or never learned it in the first place and now it’s too embarrassing to ask. This week, learn their name. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday that told me that he had worked with someone for three years without ever knowing what to call them. Sometimes in business, it’s important to give your interactions a personal touch. This can be helped with the use of a word or phrase that you could associate with that person to better remember their name and give you that added edge. For instance, if you find out that a “Ted” likes the color “red,” use that association.
2. Get your shoes polished
In our break-neck pace of business, sometimes you can scrape the top of your nice shoes on some concrete steps. Look down at your shoes now. Are they spotless and smooth? Be honest. Or are they all dinged up? Learning how to shine your own shoes can be tedious and not a good use of time management. But finding a good shoe shiner can be your ticket into walking with confidence! Bonus tip: negotiate a better rate with your shoe shiner by promising them repeat business!
3. Write yourself a check for $1,000,000
I often stress the importance of being able to see what your potential self could be. Here’s a quick tip on how to see it a little more clearly. After establishing a good relationship with your bank, you may have noticed that they will make your funds available to you even though a deposited check has not technically cleared yet. The bank trusts you on your honor because of your good standing with them in the past. With this in mind, have a little fun. Write yourself a check for $1,000,000 and deposit it. Essentially, you are giving that money and taking away that money simultaneously, leaving it a wash. But there will be a moment within that time, between the bank making those funds available, and paying them out again, that you’ll be able to see your bank statement with an extra million dollars in it. Bask in that feeling.
Now get to work, friends!
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